Friday, February 27, 2009

October 2005

Industrial & Organisational Psychology
October 2005

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


a) Explain in brief (Any three) :- (15)
(i) Technology
(ii) A whole person
(iii) cost-benefit analysis
(iv) Law of individual differences
(v) Mutuality of interest
(vi) TQM

b) Write short notes on any one:- (5)
(i) Approaches to organizational behaviour
(ii) Nature of people

a) State whether the following are True or False and give the reasons for the same (Any three) :- (15)
(i) More communication is better communication
(ii) Just hearing is not active listening
(iii) The grapevine is very fast
(iv)Telecommiting has many benefits
(v) Filtering causes delay in upward communication
(vi) Actions speak louder than words

b) Write short notes on any one:- (5)
(i) Rumours and its types
(ii)Downward Communication

Explain the nature of motivation in organisation, compare and contrast the need theories of motivation (20)

a) Give the reasons for the following statements (Any three) :-(15)
(i) When self efficiency is high expectancy is also high
(ii) Every person has a unique combinantion of Valence, Instrumentality and Expectancy
(iii) No motivation is possible unless valence is positive
(iv) Over rewarded inequity causes guilt
(v) Equity Model is based on social comparision
(vi) Attribution process involves three main components

b) Write short notes on any one:- (5)
(i) J.Stacy Adam's Theory
(ii) Application of attribution theory

Describe the new ( emerging) approaches to leadership. (20)


a) Describe in brief (Any three) :- (15)
(i) Mental and emotional involvement
(ii) Benefits of participation
(iii) quality circles
(iv)Guidelines for participation programme success
(v) suggestion programmes.
(vi) Empowerment.

b) Write short notes on any one of the following :- (5)
(i) Pre-requisites of participation.
(ii) Labour union attitudes towards participation.

a) Give the reasons for the following statements (Any three) :-(15)
(i) Employee attitudes are important for organizations.
(ii) Spillover effects occur in both directions between job and life.
(iii) Theft may be used to gain revenge on the organization
(iv) Survery questions many be open ended or closed ended
(v) Job satisfaction management is important to the management
(vi) Reliability is the degree to which the tests give consistent results.

b) Write short notes on any one of the following :- (5)
(i) Job Involvement.
(ii )Benifits of Job Satisfactional studies.

a) State whether the following are True or False and give the reasons for the same (Any three) :- (15)
(i)The most desirable conflict outcome is "win-loss"
(ii)Compromising is the best ways of solving conflict.
(iii)Assertive behaviour is the most effective when it integrates a number of verbal and no-verbal components.
(iv)"I am OK. You are not-OK" person is more likely to seek a "win-win" outcome.
(v) Legitimate power is also known as referrent power.
(vi)Most desirable outcome from weilding power is compliance.
b) Write short notes on any one of the following :- (5)
(i)Levels of conflict
(ii)Transactional Analysis

Explain the OD Process. Discuss the benefits and limitations of OD Process (20)

Describe in detail the effects and causes of stress . (20)

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