Friday, February 27, 2009

March 2007

Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
March 2007

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions in all.
2 Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II
Any two questions from Section I and any three questions from Section II.
3 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4 Answer to both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


(a) Explain the terms (any four):- (20)
(1) People.
(2) Interdisciplinary nature of OB.
(3) Perception.
(4) Behavioral bias.
(5) Unethical manipulation of people.
(6) The law of diminishing returns.

(b) State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any four):- (20)
(i)Acceptance is a matter of choice and degree.
(ii)Senders need not communicate with care.
(iii)Semantics presents difficult challenges when people from different cultures attempt to communicate with each other.
(iv)Action is known as verbal communication.
(v)Managers can encourage upward communication by asking good questions.
(vi)Rumour is not a result of interest and ambiguity.

What is Behavior Modification? Discuss its alternative consequences and schedules of Reinforcement. (20)

Give reasons for the following statements (any four):- (20)
(i) Many types of pay are required for a complete economic reward systemy.
(ii) Employees make a rough type of cost reward comparison.
(iii) An important task for management is integrating extrinsic and intrinsic rewards successfully.
(iv) Performance appraisal plays a key role in reward system.
(v) Problems can arise in self-appraisal.
(vi) Skill based pay rewards 'Individuals for what they know how to do.

Explain and critically evaluate the behavioral approaches to leadership style.:- (20)


Write short notes on any four:(20)
(i) Types of survey questions.
(ii) Performance satisfaction relationship.
(iii) Changing employee attitudes.
(iv) Work moods.
(v) Uses of job satisfaction studies.
(vi) Theft in organizations.

Explain the following statements (any four):- (20)
(i) Interpersonal conflicts arise from a variety of sources.
(ii) Conflict is not all bad.
(iii) Assertive behavior is effective when it integrates a number of verbal and non-verbal components.
(iv) Expert power comes from specialized training.
(v) Strokes may be positive, negative or mixed.
(vi) Confronting can be viewed as the best conflict resolution strategy.

Distinguish between formal and informal organizations. Discuss the weaknesses of committees. (20)

Explain the terms (any four):- (20)
(i) Linking pin model.
(ii) Life cycle of a team.
(iii) Project manager.
(iv) Effective teams.
(v) Sucker effect.
(vi) Problems in teams.

Discuss the causes of stress and approaches to stress management. (20)

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