Friday, February 27, 2009

October 2004

Psychology at Work
October 2004

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Explain in brief (any three): (15)
(i) O.B.
(ii) Motivated Behaviour
(iii) Ethics & Management.
(iv) Characteristics of O.B. Field
(v) Goals of O.B.
(vi) Human Resource Approach

b) Write short note on (any one): (5)
(i) Technology & O.B.
(ii) Result Oriented Approach

a) State whether the following statements are True/False & give reasons (any three): (15)
(i) Communication is a two-way process.
(ii) Psychological distance leads often to personal barriers.
(iii) Context provides meaning.
(iv) Active listening is more than hearing.
(v) Grapevine information is both accurate & inaccurate.
(vi) Grapevine & rumour are same.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(i) Rumour and its types.
(ii) Upward communication.

Define and explain work motivation and its nature. Explain the social learning theory and goal setting theory of work motivation.(20)

a) Give reasons for the following statements (any three): (15)
(i) Self-efficacy affects effort-performance expectancy.
(ii) Rewards are instrumental in motivating employees.
(iii) The expectancy model has some problems.
(iv) Attributions are subjective assessments.
(v) People tend to attribute other’s success to situational factors.
(vi) The self-fulfilling prophecy affects the manager’s expectations of his/her employees.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(i) Equity theory.
(ii) Attribution model.

Discuss the behavioural approaches to leadership styles in detail.(20)

a) Describe in brief (any three): (15)
(i) Participative process.
(ii) Consultative Management.
(iii) Five broad approaches to Empowerment.
(iv) Self-Efficacy.
(v) Pseudo-participation.
(vi) T.Q.M.

b) Write a short note on (any one): (5)
(1) Labour Union attitudes towards participation.
(2) Guidelines for participation program success.
a) State briefly why (any three): (15)
(i) Negative attitudes are a symptom of underlying problems.
(ii) Job satisfaction is dynamic.
(iii) People with higher level occupations tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.
(iv) Higher job satisfaction is associated with lower employee turnover.
(v) Those employees who have low job satisfaction tend to be absent more often.
(vi) Surveys have many benefits.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(i) Changing employee attitudes.
(ii) Organizational Commitment.

a) State whether the following statements are True/False & give reasons (any three): (15)
(i) Conflict is inherent to social life.
(ii) The avoiding strategy results in a lose-win situation.
(iii) Conflicts are only destructive.
(iv) Being assertive in a situation involves three stages.
(v) Effective Assertive Behaviour involves integration of verbal and non-verbal components.
(vi) Expert power comes from specialized learning.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(1) Types of power.
(2) Benefits of T.A.

Discuss the concept of O.D. & explain its most significant benefits & limitations. (20)

What is stress? Make a list of Type A & Type B characteristics. Discuss the approaches to stress management. (20)

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