Friday, February 27, 2009

October 2008

Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
October 2008

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions in all.
2 Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II
Any two questions from Section I and any three questions from Section II.
3 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4 Answer to both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


Give reasons for the following (any four) (20)
(a) One major strength of Organizational Behaviour is its interdisciplinary nature.
(b) The idea of Individual differences is suppprted by science.
(c) Organizations are social systems.
(d) Organizations are formed on the basis of mutuality of interest.
(e) Human resource approach is developmental.
(f) Pepole who lack system understanding develop behavioural bias.

Explain the following terms: (any four) (20)
(a) Open Communication.
(b) Semantic-barrier in communication.
(c) Non-verbal Communication.
(d) Job instructions.
(e) Open door policy.
(f) Tele commuting.

Critically evaluate the Reinforcement theory and Expectancy model of work motivation. (20)

State whether the following statements are true Or false and give reasons (any four): (20)
(a) Employees often make cost reward comparison.
(b) Comparable worth programmes do not guarantee equal pay for equal work.
(c) Employee selection decision is communicated to the employee in an appraisal interview.
(d) Fundamental attribution error is shown when judging our own selves.
(e) Skill based pay is also called as knowledge based pay.
(f) Profit sharing recognises mutual interest.

Explain the following: (20)
(a) Blake and Mouton's Managerial grid,
(b) Vroom's decision making model.


Explain the following statements (any four): (20)
(a) Job satisfaction is multidimensional.
(b) Job satisfaction and Life satisfaction are related to each other.
(c) High job performance contributes to high job satisfaction.
(d) Job satisfaction studies are useful to the managers.
(e) Managers can change employee attitudes.
(f) There are various types of closed ended questions.

Write short notes on (any four): (20)
(a) Sources of interpersonal conflict.
(b) Conflict resolution strategies
(c) Effects of conflicts
(d) Assertiveness.
(e) Stroking.
(f) Tactics to gain political power.

Compare formal and informal organizations and state the benefits of informal organizations. (20)

Give reasons for the following (any four): (20)
(a) Managers are linking pins between groups.
(b) Organic organizations are more flexible and open
(c) There are several stages in team development.
(d) Process consultants use facilitating behaviours to help team function more effectively.
(e) Team members need feedback.
(f) Self-managing teams have advantages and disadvantages.

Elaborate on job related causes of stress and stress management types. (20)

March 2008

Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
March 2008

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions in all.
2 Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II
Any two questions from Section I and any three questions from Section II.
3 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4 Answer to both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


Explain the terms (any four):- (20)
(a) Organizational Goals.
(b) Role of technology in OB
(c) Behavioural bias
(d) Selective perception.
(e) A whole person
(f) Triple reward system.

State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any four):- (20)
(a) Organizations cannot exist without communication.
(b) Idiation is an important step in communication.
(c) Acceptance is a matter of choice and degree.
(d) Senders need not communicate with care.
(e) Actions have no meening.
(f) Rumors are always give correct information.

Critically evaluate Herzberg's two factor Model and Goal setting theory of work motivation. :- (20)

Give reasons for the following statements (any four):- (20)
(a) Self appraisal is an important tool of performance appraisal.
(b) Employee be have according to the managers expectations.
(c) Performance appraisal plays a key role in reward system.
(d) Profit sharing has certain difficulties.
(e) MBO involves joint goal setting.
(f) People see what they expect to see.

Define leadership and explain in detail:Fiedler's contingency approach and Hersey and Blanchards situational approach. (20)


Write short notes on any four:(20)
(a) Attitude and job involvement.
(b) Organizational commitment
(c) Types of survey questions
(d) Benefits of job satisfaction studies.
(e) Critical issues in surveys
(f) Employee turnover.

Explain the following statements (any four):- (20)
(a) Conflicts occur due to differences in values.
(b) The win-win outcome is the most prefered outcome.
(c) Managers must be good at politics to succeed.
(d) Expert power comes from specialized learning.
(e) Personality differences can cause conflicts.
(f) Confrontation is the-best way of resolving conflict.

Describe in detail:- (20)
(a) Problems associated with informal organizations
(b) Groupthink and polarization.

Explain the terms (any four):- (20)
(a) Self managing teams
(b) Social loafing
(c) Sucker effect.
(d) Linking pins
(e) Problems in teams
(f) Matrix organization.

What are the causes and symptoms of stress? How can stress be reduced? Discuss. (20)

October 2007

Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
October 2007

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions in all.
2 Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II
Any two questions from Section I and any three questions from Section II.
3 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4 Answer to both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


State whether the following statements are true or false and give reasons for the same (any four):- (20)
(a) A complex set of forces affect organizational behaviour today.
(b) The idea of individual differences is not supported by science.
(c) When organizations goals and actions are ethical it creates a double reward system.
(d) Human resource approach is developmental.
(e) Ethical managers will not manipulate people.
(f) Most sciences share three goals.

Give reasons for the following statements(any four):- (20)
(a) Communication process always involves two people.
(b) Context provides meaning to words.
(c) Personal barriers can be in the term of psychological distance.
(d) Filtering may be legitimate in upward communication.
(e) Managers who communicate successfully must develop trust.
(f) There is important difference between grapevine and rumour.

Discuss Goal setting theory and Equity theory of motivation. (20)

Explain the following statements (any four):- (20)
(i) Money has social value.
(ii) Employee approach is to make a type of cost reward comparison.
(iii) MBO is a cyclical process.
(iv) Assessment is communicated to an employee in an appraisal interview.
(v) People attribute others achievement to good luck or easy task.
(vi) Gain sharing plans are much more than pay systems.

Define leadership. Explain any two contingency approaches to leadership. (20)


Give reasons for the following (any four):- (20)
(a) Job satisfaction is higher in smaller organizations.
(b) Employee feelings about their jobs are highly dynamic.
(c) Happy workers are not always effective workers.
(d) Job satisfaction information is useful to the managers.
(e) Favorable attitudes are connected with positive outcomes.
(f) Employee turnover can have several negative consequences.
(g) Surveys have many benefits.
(h) Organizational commitment indicates loyalty of the employees.

Explain the terms(any four):- (20)
(a) Assertive behaviour.
(b) Win-win outcome.
(c) Coercive power.
(d) Win-lose outcome.
(e) Impression management.
(f) Compromising.
(g) Strokes.
(h) Interpersonal conflict.

Describe in detail the various aspects of formal groups in organizations. (20)

Write short notes (any four):- (20)
(a) Linking pins.
(b) Matrix organization.
(c) Characteristics of mature teams.
(d) Self managing teams.
(e) Social loafing.
(f) Process consultation.

Describe the nature of stress and explain in detail the extreme effects of stress. (20)

March 2007

Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
March 2007

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions in all.
2 Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II
Any two questions from Section I and any three questions from Section II.
3 Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4 Answer to both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


(a) Explain the terms (any four):- (20)
(1) People.
(2) Interdisciplinary nature of OB.
(3) Perception.
(4) Behavioral bias.
(5) Unethical manipulation of people.
(6) The law of diminishing returns.

(b) State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any four):- (20)
(i)Acceptance is a matter of choice and degree.
(ii)Senders need not communicate with care.
(iii)Semantics presents difficult challenges when people from different cultures attempt to communicate with each other.
(iv)Action is known as verbal communication.
(v)Managers can encourage upward communication by asking good questions.
(vi)Rumour is not a result of interest and ambiguity.

What is Behavior Modification? Discuss its alternative consequences and schedules of Reinforcement. (20)

Give reasons for the following statements (any four):- (20)
(i) Many types of pay are required for a complete economic reward systemy.
(ii) Employees make a rough type of cost reward comparison.
(iii) An important task for management is integrating extrinsic and intrinsic rewards successfully.
(iv) Performance appraisal plays a key role in reward system.
(v) Problems can arise in self-appraisal.
(vi) Skill based pay rewards 'Individuals for what they know how to do.

Explain and critically evaluate the behavioral approaches to leadership style.:- (20)


Write short notes on any four:(20)
(i) Types of survey questions.
(ii) Performance satisfaction relationship.
(iii) Changing employee attitudes.
(iv) Work moods.
(v) Uses of job satisfaction studies.
(vi) Theft in organizations.

Explain the following statements (any four):- (20)
(i) Interpersonal conflicts arise from a variety of sources.
(ii) Conflict is not all bad.
(iii) Assertive behavior is effective when it integrates a number of verbal and non-verbal components.
(iv) Expert power comes from specialized training.
(v) Strokes may be positive, negative or mixed.
(vi) Confronting can be viewed as the best conflict resolution strategy.

Distinguish between formal and informal organizations. Discuss the weaknesses of committees. (20)

Explain the terms (any four):- (20)
(i) Linking pin model.
(ii) Life cycle of a team.
(iii) Project manager.
(iv) Effective teams.
(v) Sucker effect.
(vi) Problems in teams.

Discuss the causes of stress and approaches to stress management. (20)

October 2006

Industrial & Organisational Psychology
October 2006

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(a) Explain in brief (any three):- (15)
(1) Behavioural bias.
(2) Contigency Approach.
(3) Characteristics of OB field.
(4) Motivation Behaviour.
(5) Law of Individual Differences.
(6) Role of Structure in OB.

(b) Write short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Organizational goals.
(ii) Organizational forces.

(a) State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any three):- (15)
(i) The key to better communication is quantity and not quality.
(ii) For effective communication, managers must develop a positive communication attitud.
(iii) Actions have no meaning.
(iv) Credibility gaps cause problems in effective communication.
(v) Words do not provide meaning but people do.
(vi) Rum ours always give correct information.

(b) Write short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Communication Needs.
(ii) Communication Barriers.

Define work motivation and explain the nature of work motivation. Discuss goal-setting theory of motivation. (20)

(a) Give reasons for the following statements.(any three):(15)
(i) Appraisal interviews can be threatening for many managers.
(ii) The 360 degree feedback works best when an individuals self assessments matches with others assessment of them.
(iii) Incentives linking pay with performance can be advantageous as well as disadvantageous.
(iv) Profit-Sharing recognize mutual interests.
(v) Skill based pay rewards individual for what they know how to do.
(vi) Money provides social as well as economic value.

(b) Write a short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) The Appraisal Interview.
(ii) Nature of Attribution.

Describe Managerial Grid and path goal model of leadership. (20)

(a) Give reasons for the following statements(any three):- (15)
(i) Work moods of employees are important to managers.
(ii) Employees feelings about their jobs are highly dynamics.
(iii) Managers must increase the job involvement of the employees
(iv) Satisfaction performance relationship is very complex.
(v) Organizational commitment indicates loyalty of the employees.
(vi) Surveys have many benefits.

(b) Write short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Changing employee attitude.
(ii) Types of survey questions.

(a) State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any three):- (15)
(i) Some conflicts are destructive at the intergroup level.
(ii) 'Lose-Win' is the preferred out come.
(iii) Avoiding is the best ways of solving conflicts.
(iv) Employees respond in three ways to the managers use of different power bases.
(v) Legitimate power comes from higher authority.
(vi) Organizational politics helps to accomplish personal goals at work.

(b) Write a short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Stroking.
(ii) Tactics used to gain political power.

How do the informal organizations emerge? Explain the potential outcomes of formal group processes. (20)

(a) Explain briefly (any three):- (15)
(i) Linking pin model.
(ii) Super ordinate goal.
(iii) Problems in teams.
(iv) Cross functional teams.
(v) Project manager.
(vi) Characteristics of mature teams.

(b) Write a short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Feedback.
(ii) Social loafing.

Explain the functions and types of counseling. (20)

April 2006

Industrial & Organisational Psychology
April 2006
(Revised Course)

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

1 Attempt any five questions.
2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(a) Explain in brief (any three):- (15)
(1) Organizational Behaviour.
(2) Role of Technology in OB.
(3) Law of Individual Differences.
(4) Triple Reward System.
(5) Unethical Manipulation of People.
(6) Continuing Challenges before 0B.

(b) Write short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Self-efficiency.
(ii) Result-Oriented Approach.

(a) State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any three):- (15)
(i) Grapevine is as fickle, dynamic and varied as people are.
(ii) Semantics is the science of physical distance.
(iii) For communication to be effective managers must be sensitive to the needs of the Employees.
(iv) Understanding can occur in the receiver's,mind.
(v) Personal barriers can be in the form of psychological distance.
(vi) Content of the rumor changes as it passes from person to person.

(b) Write short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Electronic Communication.
(ii) Downward Communication.

Define work motivation. Compare and contrast different need theories of motivation. (20)

(a) Give reasons for the following statements.(any three):(15)
(i) Consistency refers to whether a behaviour is relatively stable over a period of time.
(ii) Self appraisal is an important tool of performance appraisal.
(iii) People see what they want to see.
(iv) Profit-sharing works better for the fast growing profitable organizations.
(v) Gain sharing pay plan broadens the understanding of employees.
(vi) In 360 degree feedback, the data is .gathered from variety of sources.

(b) Write a short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Appraisal Philosophy.
(ii) M.B.O.

Distinguish between a Leader and a Manager. Discuss emerging approaches to leadership. (20)

(a) Explain in brief (any three):- (15)
(i) Employee may exhibit their work dissatisfaction through tardiness.
(ii) Survey data can spur competition among different departments in large organization.
(iii) Job satisfaction is multi dimensional.
(iv) Employee comments are very useful for management.
(v) Job satisfaction and Life satisfaction are closely related.
(vi) Attitudes influence behaviours and behavior influence attitude.

(b) Write short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Work moods.
(ii) Effects of employee attitudes.

(a) State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons for the same (any three):- (15)
(i) Conflicts can never be constructive.
(ii) Intergroup conflicts are purposely induced in the organisation.
(iii) Conflicts occur due to differences in values.
(iv) The most desirable life position is "I am OK - you’re not OK".
(v) Strokes may be positive, negative or mixed.
(vi) Conflicts may produce three distinct outcomes.

(b) Write a short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Assertive behaviour.
(ii) Effects of conflicts.

Describe the following. (20)
Brain storming ,Nominal group technique, Delphi-decision making, Dialectic decision method.

(a) Explain briefly (any three):- (15)
(i) Managers in the role of Linking pins.
(ii) Life cycle of a Team.
(iii) Characteristics of effective teams.
(iv) Contingency, organizational design.
(v) Social loafing.
(vi) Process consultation.

(b) Write a short note on (any one):- (5)
(i) Matrix Organization.
(ii) Problems in Teams.

Define stress. Describe its symptoms and extreme products of stres.(20)

October 2005

Industrial & Organisational Psychology
October 2005

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


a) Explain in brief (Any three) :- (15)
(i) Technology
(ii) A whole person
(iii) cost-benefit analysis
(iv) Law of individual differences
(v) Mutuality of interest
(vi) TQM

b) Write short notes on any one:- (5)
(i) Approaches to organizational behaviour
(ii) Nature of people

a) State whether the following are True or False and give the reasons for the same (Any three) :- (15)
(i) More communication is better communication
(ii) Just hearing is not active listening
(iii) The grapevine is very fast
(iv)Telecommiting has many benefits
(v) Filtering causes delay in upward communication
(vi) Actions speak louder than words

b) Write short notes on any one:- (5)
(i) Rumours and its types
(ii)Downward Communication

Explain the nature of motivation in organisation, compare and contrast the need theories of motivation (20)

a) Give the reasons for the following statements (Any three) :-(15)
(i) When self efficiency is high expectancy is also high
(ii) Every person has a unique combinantion of Valence, Instrumentality and Expectancy
(iii) No motivation is possible unless valence is positive
(iv) Over rewarded inequity causes guilt
(v) Equity Model is based on social comparision
(vi) Attribution process involves three main components

b) Write short notes on any one:- (5)
(i) J.Stacy Adam's Theory
(ii) Application of attribution theory

Describe the new ( emerging) approaches to leadership. (20)


a) Describe in brief (Any three) :- (15)
(i) Mental and emotional involvement
(ii) Benefits of participation
(iii) quality circles
(iv)Guidelines for participation programme success
(v) suggestion programmes.
(vi) Empowerment.

b) Write short notes on any one of the following :- (5)
(i) Pre-requisites of participation.
(ii) Labour union attitudes towards participation.

a) Give the reasons for the following statements (Any three) :-(15)
(i) Employee attitudes are important for organizations.
(ii) Spillover effects occur in both directions between job and life.
(iii) Theft may be used to gain revenge on the organization
(iv) Survery questions many be open ended or closed ended
(v) Job satisfaction management is important to the management
(vi) Reliability is the degree to which the tests give consistent results.

b) Write short notes on any one of the following :- (5)
(i) Job Involvement.
(ii )Benifits of Job Satisfactional studies.

a) State whether the following are True or False and give the reasons for the same (Any three) :- (15)
(i)The most desirable conflict outcome is "win-loss"
(ii)Compromising is the best ways of solving conflict.
(iii)Assertive behaviour is the most effective when it integrates a number of verbal and no-verbal components.
(iv)"I am OK. You are not-OK" person is more likely to seek a "win-win" outcome.
(v) Legitimate power is also known as referrent power.
(vi)Most desirable outcome from weilding power is compliance.
b) Write short notes on any one of the following :- (5)
(i)Levels of conflict
(ii)Transactional Analysis

Explain the OD Process. Discuss the benefits and limitations of OD Process (20)

Describe in detail the effects and causes of stress . (20)

March 2005

Paper Not Available

October 2004

Psychology at Work
October 2004

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Explain in brief (any three): (15)
(i) O.B.
(ii) Motivated Behaviour
(iii) Ethics & Management.
(iv) Characteristics of O.B. Field
(v) Goals of O.B.
(vi) Human Resource Approach

b) Write short note on (any one): (5)
(i) Technology & O.B.
(ii) Result Oriented Approach

a) State whether the following statements are True/False & give reasons (any three): (15)
(i) Communication is a two-way process.
(ii) Psychological distance leads often to personal barriers.
(iii) Context provides meaning.
(iv) Active listening is more than hearing.
(v) Grapevine information is both accurate & inaccurate.
(vi) Grapevine & rumour are same.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(i) Rumour and its types.
(ii) Upward communication.

Define and explain work motivation and its nature. Explain the social learning theory and goal setting theory of work motivation.(20)

a) Give reasons for the following statements (any three): (15)
(i) Self-efficacy affects effort-performance expectancy.
(ii) Rewards are instrumental in motivating employees.
(iii) The expectancy model has some problems.
(iv) Attributions are subjective assessments.
(v) People tend to attribute other’s success to situational factors.
(vi) The self-fulfilling prophecy affects the manager’s expectations of his/her employees.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(i) Equity theory.
(ii) Attribution model.

Discuss the behavioural approaches to leadership styles in detail.(20)

a) Describe in brief (any three): (15)
(i) Participative process.
(ii) Consultative Management.
(iii) Five broad approaches to Empowerment.
(iv) Self-Efficacy.
(v) Pseudo-participation.
(vi) T.Q.M.

b) Write a short note on (any one): (5)
(1) Labour Union attitudes towards participation.
(2) Guidelines for participation program success.
a) State briefly why (any three): (15)
(i) Negative attitudes are a symptom of underlying problems.
(ii) Job satisfaction is dynamic.
(iii) People with higher level occupations tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.
(iv) Higher job satisfaction is associated with lower employee turnover.
(v) Those employees who have low job satisfaction tend to be absent more often.
(vi) Surveys have many benefits.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(i) Changing employee attitudes.
(ii) Organizational Commitment.

a) State whether the following statements are True/False & give reasons (any three): (15)
(i) Conflict is inherent to social life.
(ii) The avoiding strategy results in a lose-win situation.
(iii) Conflicts are only destructive.
(iv) Being assertive in a situation involves three stages.
(v) Effective Assertive Behaviour involves integration of verbal and non-verbal components.
(vi) Expert power comes from specialized learning.

b) Write Short Notes on (any one): (5)
(1) Types of power.
(2) Benefits of T.A.

Discuss the concept of O.D. & explain its most significant benefits & limitations. (20)

What is stress? Make a list of Type A & Type B characteristics. Discuss the approaches to stress management. (20)

March 2004

Paper Not Available

October 2003

Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
October 2003

Time: 3Hours Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks.

a) Explain in brief (any three): (15)
(1) Self Efficacy
(2) Organization behaviour
(3) Perception
(4) Law of Individual Differences
(5) Organizational Forces
(6) Triple Reward System

b) Write short notes (any one): (5)
(1) Contribution of Theory, Research and Practice
(2) Systems Approach.

a) State whether the following statements are true or false and give reasons for the same (any three): (15)
(1) Understanding can occur only in the sender's mind.
(2) Open Communication is better than restricted communication.
(3) Symbols have more than one meaning.
(4) Rumours and Grapevine are not the same.
(5) Facial expressions are an important source of Communication.
(6) Managers who communicate successfully are sensitive to human needs.

b) Write short notes on (any one): (5)
(1) Upward Communication
(2) Virtual Offices and Tele Commuting.

Compare and contrast the need theories of motivation and explain how they can be used in Industry today. (20)

a) Give reasons for the following statements (any three): (15)
(1) Valence plays an important role in motivating employees.
(2) Managers must clarify employee perceptions.
(3) Over reward leads to feelings of guilt.
(4) People claim undue credit for success.
(5) People tend to perceive what they expect to perceive.
(6) Self-efficacy plays an important role in Expectancy.

b) Write short notes on (any one):(5)
(1)Kelly's Attribution Model (2)J. Stacy Adam's equity theory.

a) Elaborate on Fiedler's contingency model of Leadership. (10)
b) Examine the trait approach to leadership. (10)

a) Describe in brief (any three): (15)

(1) Under participation
(2) TQM
(3) Middle Management Committees
(4) Suggestion Programs
(5) Employee Ownership Plans
(6) Employee Empowerment.

b) Write short notes on (any one): (5)
(1) Popularity of Participation
(2) Approaches to Empowerment.

a) Explain briefly (any three): (15)
(1) Job satisfaction is multi-dimensional.
(2) The Performance Satisfaction Effort loop.
(3) Job satisfaction is related to the size of the Organization.
(4) Absenteeism and Turnover are related to Job Satisfaction.
(5) Satisfied workers are not always effective workers.
(6) Job satisfaction information is useful to the managers.

b) Write short notes on (any one): (5)
(1) Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement.
(2) Measurement of Job Satisfaction.

a) State whether the following statements are true or false, giving reasons for the same (any three): (15)
(1) Loose-Win is the preferred outcome.
(2) Parent Ego states desire approval from others.
(3) Personal power comes from higher authority.
(4) The compromising strategy reflects great concern for others.
(5) Politics becomes more important at lower levels.
(6) Ego states are easy to identify in group conversations.

b) Write short notes on (any one): (5)
(1) Types of Power
(2) Effects of conflicts.

Describe in detail the process of O.D. and discuss its benefits and limitations. (20)

a) Define stress. Explain the effects of stress. (10)
b) What are the functions of counselling? (10)

March 2003

Paper Not Available

October 2002

Paper Not Available

March 2002

Paper Not Available

October 2001

Paper Not Available

March 2001

Paper Not Available

October 2000

Paper Not Available

April 2000

Paper Not Available

October 1999

Paper Not Available

April 1999

Paper Not Available

October 1998

Industrial & Organizational Psychology
October 1998

Time: 3Hours Marks:100


a) Discuss the methods of job analysis. (4)
b) Describe the uses of job evaluation. (8)

You are hired by the company named ‘Autoriders’ as a consultant. Suggest judgmental measures of performance appraisals to them. (16)

Describe in detail the various types of rating methods. (16)

a) Describe any four types of interviews. (8)
b) Discuss the importance of references, biographical data in personnel selection. (8)

Lotus enterprises wishes to develop training program for their emplyees. As a consultant for the company, what methods of employee training would you suggest be used? (16)

Short notes (any three): (18)
a) Errors in Rating
b) TAT
c) History of Industrial Psychology.
d) Training needs
e) Job families.


As an expert, suggest the techniques to enhance the motivation of workers with the help of need theories. (16)

What is job satisfaction? Discuss the theories to measure and enhance job satisfaction. (16)

Digjam industries are facing problems in work efficiency due to stress faced by their workers. As a stress consultant identify the sources of stress of suggest coping strategies. (16)

a) Define leadership. Explain the trait theory of leadership. (8)
b) Explain the situational theory of leadership. (8)

a) Write a note on group polarization effect. (8)
b) Explain types of organisational decisions. (8)

Short notes on (any three): (8)
a) GAS
b) Effects of power
c) Organisational politics
d) Prejudice
e) Effect of stress.

April 1998

Industrial & Organizational Psychology
April 1998

Time: 3Hours Marks:100


a) Describe the various methods of job evaluation. (8)
b) Discuss the uses of job analysis. (8)

You are hired by the company called 'Ujala' as a consultant. Suggest the objectives measures of performance appraisals to them.(16)

Critically evaluate the types of rating methods. (16)

Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of various types of interviews. (16)

a) Discuss before-after model of training. (8)
b) Describe the methods of management training programme. (8)

Write short notes (any three): (18)
a) History of industrial psychology
b) Job determinants
c) Achievement tests
d) MBO
e) Bio-data


You have been appointed as an expert to find out the need hierarchy of the majority of the employees in the company named 'Tejas'. Suggest the need theories to motivate the employees. (16)

Employees of the company Gala Production have been reporting feelings of lowered job satisfaction. As a consultant find out the sources of job satisfaction and suggest techniques to measure job satisfaction. (16)

a) Describe the major sources of work stress. (8)
b) Describe the coping strategies with stress. (8)

Describe the path-goal theory and vertical dyad Linkage model of Leadership. (16)

a) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making. (8)
b) Write a note on Group think. (8)

Short notes (any three): (18)
a) Effects of stress.
b) Organisational commitment.
c) Ethics in organisation.
d) Five bases of power.
e) Prejudice.